Monday, August 24, 2009

Night of HOPE!!

hey everyone!! i wanted to let you know that this is going to be a big week for me and the HOPE Foundation!! on Saturday, August 29th, we're going to host the 1st Annual Night of HOPE during my game against the Connecticut Sun! I'm really excited about this, as I'll be able to introduce the foundation to the Phoenix community..

we're going to have media, students and community leaders at the event.. they'll get to meet me and watch the shoot-around, as well as enjoy the game in a Meek Mercury Suite!! i think they'll have hotdogs and soda (nothing too fancy)..

starting today, we are releasing a new foundation tshirt where all of the proceeds go to Night of HOPE and the foundation.. the 1st 100 tshirts bought will have it autographed.. the shirts are only $25, but the cause is great..

thank you all for the support and check out and for more details!!

1 comment:

James Parker said...

Meek we love you. Thank you for your efforts and resolve!